Welcome to the Main AOAC Blog
December 16th, 2010 by William Ellery "El" SamuelsI presume it’s good and proper to start the blog with the committee’s charge:
Charge: The Academic Outcomes Assessment Committee at the College of Staten Island provides a forum for communication, collaboration, and advice related to the assessment of student learning between and among academic departments, degree programs and the Office of Academic Affairs. The Committee shares policies, recommendations, and opportunities related to programmatic renewal and the campus-wide assessment of student learning with its constituencies, collects and archives assessment plans, and publicizes those that represent best practices.
In addition, currently older minutes (and the charge) are listed on this page on the Office of the Associate Provost For Institutional Effectiveness’s website.
If we do indeed decide to go with the CUNY Adademic Commons as our online workshop, at the moment I’m not otherwise fully sure what to use the blog for—except announcements to be made outside of meeting. Any suggestions would be appreciated.